April Aghazarian
Title: Flowers in the City
Date: Fall 2021
Medium: Digital
Dimensions: 29cm * 29cm
This work is inspired by the gardens and flowers that bloom on the streets of Montreal. Their bright and vibrant colours stand out even on the busiest streets, in the heart of downtown Montreal. They show that sometimes, simple things in life are what make this world a tiny bit better.

April Rose Aghazarian is an artist that mainly works with acrylic and oil paints to create bright and detailed landscapes on canvas. Her landscapes have a vivid use of color that emulates what beauty she has fallen in love with, and wants to show through her paintings.The locations chosen have a meaning behind them; a story worth telling. Although she does dabble in photography and other artistic mediums, painting is one of the few things she can do for hours to communicate her perspective of the world.